Whether you’re looking for a quick trade or more strategic positioning, litspottrading Profit Sharing can help diversify and simplify your Crypto trading experience.
litspottrading Profit Sharing allows an investor to put money into a fund with an experienced trader. You'll receive a proportionate amount of the trader's profits. The trader will receive a success fee (the investor only has to pay this predetermined fee if the trader makes money). We endorse traders who have good returns and know how to manage risk. If you want to lead trades, now you can! Invite your friends to join in on your winning strategy and split the profits.
How do I get started?
To get started with Profit Sharing, first you will need to fund your account and then make an allocation into a Profit Sharing strategy:
Litspottrading Profit Sharing is different from other cryptocurrency liquidity pools because it invests differently and pays out differently. With a traditional pool, you provide liquidity to Asset X by locking up value in Asset Y, earning rewards in the target asset. With Zignaly's Profit Sharing, you are allocating funds for a pro trader to manage. You receive a proportionate piece of the profits based on the size of your initial investment.